  >  Sustainability


We as a brand are conscious of the important social and environmental responsibility that we must fulfill. Sustainability is essential for preserving the planets natural resources, ecosystem and biodiversity. We aim to reduce environmental degradation, pollution, overexploitation of natural resources and creating a healthy work environment. Reducing the environmental impact of a clothing brand is not a single action endeavor thus There are few steps we have adopted to make our products as sustainable as possible.

Eco Friendly Materials

The raw materials which we choose on our apparels are a 100% eco friendly, we make sure that the cotton which we use go through process such as bio wash which completely removes the agricultural chemicals used to grow the cotton. We also use fabrics made up from organic cotton which has even lesser environmental impact. While normal cotton production uses agricultural chemicals, Organic cotton on the other hand is grown without the use of synthetic fertilizer and pesticides, thus giving a premium quality end product which is also good for the environment.

Promoting Ethical Labour

Here at bebaby we believe in maintaining a good work ethic and respect our worker’s rights. Fair wages are paid that are in line with local living standards and prevailing wage rates. We also make sure that our workers get a healthy work environment and ensure about the safety of the work place as there are a lot of heavy machinery in use over here, thus accordingly we have designed our workplace safety regulation, ventilation, lighting and ergonomics adequately. We create channel for their feedback and communication which also allows us to operate as a team and efficiently work towards our goal.

Carbon Footprint Reduction
in Production Process

Reducing the environmental is not just a single action task, so getting just eco-friendly materials won’t suffice. Reducing the energy consumption in production process helps for a product to have significantly less ecological impact. For that we have made our production process more optimized and efficient making the manufacturing process less time and energy draining. Further, we have invested in renewable energy sources such as solar panels to power the manufacturing process and have upgraded our facilities to use energy efficient equipment and lighting which helps us to manage the carbon footprint of our products.

Women Empowerment

We employee 108 women which is more than 20% of our workforce. Although this is a labour intensive industry we have found spots in our workforce which is feasible for women to work in such as in the quality control department, accounting, designing, etc. There is no such thing as gender pay gap in our company and all workers are paid equally. Overall we have a healthy work environment for our female workforce.